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The 1st comprehensive knowledge contest held on December 28, 2017
Date:2018-9-25 14:29:44    From:

The purpose of this contest is to encourage workers to keep on studying knowledge, and to improve competence to adopt knowledge to the works.    The questions widely cover safety, technology, quality, equipment, environment protection, and discipline policy. The items include all to answer, first to answer, and team answers. The audience also join some questions answering and win prizes. 

After intensive competition, chloride acetic acid  department team of tech-grade old factory won the 1st prize, cross department team of tech-grade old factory the 2nd prize, and chloride acetic acid  department team of tech-grade new factory the 3rd prize.

The general manager Mr. Zhang appreciate all the efforts the participants demonstrating. We hope this event encourages more and more colleagues at production front line to respect science and learn knowledge. Let us keep improving!

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